ABC – Apply to Become a Client

Apply to Become a Client (“ABC”) of Rossen & Company ApS on the basis of our Standard Terms of Business (“T&C”) as set-out below (valid from May 1, 2022 and onwards until further notice) using our ABC form for the fastest possible on-boarding: 

Read and agree to our T&C, fill-out the ABC form in the bottom of the page and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

1. Legal identities

  1. ROSSEN is a trademark of the limited Rossen & Company ApS CVR/VAT 36501944 – a wholly owned subsidy of the limited Nic. Rossen Holdings ApS CVR/VAT 36444444 under managing direction of Nicolai Frederik Bonnén Rossen (Nic. Rossen).
  2. Business and activities performed under the brand name ROSSEN and from domain are actions of Rossen & Company ApS.
  3. Exceptions include business and activities performed by Rossen CVR/VAT 34137412, a sole proprietorship of Nic. Rossen, and Rossen Denmark ApS CVR/VAT 15513578 – an independent and non-affiliated limited under managing direction of Mr. Jørgen Rossen using the email address on a lease contract with Rossen & Company.
  4. Rossen & Company ApS disclaims all liabilities from business and activities performed by other entities than those of Rossen & Company ApS itself.

2. Modus operandi

  1. Rossen & Company ApS services Clients on either hourly Ad hoc engagements (product: PRconsultation℠), Project engagements (products include but are not limited to: SmartPRoduct™, ResearchBrief™, StoryPitching℠, BreakingBoost™ etc.), Retainer engagements (product: RossenRetainer™) and/or Referral engagements (product: RossenReferral™).
  2. Whereas Ad hoc engagements are subject to a standard hourly fee of DKK3,000/PRconsultation℠, Project fees are referenced by Rossen & Company ApS’ most current Ratecard or by bespoke agreements subject to individual Client negotiation.
  3. Referral fees are subject to individual Client negotiation.
  4. Retainer fees are calculated on the basis of estimated amounts of service products as referenced by the accompanying Proposal of Services.
  5. Project fees are invoiced with a standard 8-day credit term as a 50% upfront payment and a final 50% payment due only upon succesful completion of the Project (“half now, half later”).
  6. All other services provided by Rossen & Company ApS are invoiced backwards on the last day on the given month and are subject to a standard 8-day credit term.
  7. If actual services provided vary from original estimations, Rossen & Company ApS reserves the right to invoice any extra or overdraft services provided at the end of a given month to ensure fair pay.
  8. To document by whom and how time has been spent on Client engagements, Rossen & Company ApS may present the Client with a time log overview of services provided logged down to 0.1 hours/PRconsultation℠ as invoicing basis.
  9. All fees and service models may be updated at any point regardless of the time period of the engagement.
  10. All fees quoted are always exclusive of Danish V.A.T. (25%) and third party expenses.
  11. Payment terms are 8 days after any invoice is issued by Rossen & Company ApS. In case of belated or missing payment, the outstanding amount will incur 8 % interest.

3. Solicited Liaison 

  1. As our Modus Operandi is sales of expert advice and intellectual property, with exception of agreed Projects, Retainers and Referral engagements, all solicited inquiries and liaison in where Rossen & Company ApS discloses knowledge within its field of expertise as defined on is considered a billable Ad hoc engagement and will be subject to Rossen & Company ApS’ standard hourly fee of DKK3,000/PRconsultation℠.

4. Confidentiality

  1. Rossen & Company ApS shall keep all detailed information about a Client, a Client’s activities, plans and business confidential, unless its disclosure is approved by the Client or is required to comply with the governing law.
  2. Furthermore, Rossen & Company ApS is subject to confidentiality imposed by public authorities and others, including but not limited to, money laundering legislation.
  3. Rossen & Company ApS shall be allowed to exchange detailed Client information with its legal and financial advisors including auditors.
  4. Furthermore, Rossen & Company ApS reserves the right to advertise non-detailed information about Client engagements as case references and/or testimonies to Rossen & Company ApS’ general capabilities and competencies unless explicitly expressed not to by the Client.

5. Listed Clients

  1. Rossen & Company ApS assumes that information passed on from the Client is not insider information within the meaning of the Danish Market Abuse Regulation, and if information which is not considered insider information within the meaning of the Danish Market Abuse Regulation is passed on, then it is considered publicly available. 
  2. Rossen & Company ApS does not wish to receive either insider information within the meaning of the Danish Market Abuse Regulation, or knowledge which is not publicly available and which is not insider information, which if such public knowledge is put together, may collectively be insider information within the meaning of the Danish Market Abuse Regulation (mosaic theory).

6. Competing Clients

  1. Rossen & Company ApS reserve the right to perform services for persons and entities competing with existing Clients, however with respect of a strict non-disclosure, and as long as our executives find it justifiable. Our services will always be performed with Chinese walls in relation to each Client.

7. Non-compete and non-poaching

  1. It is explicitly accepted by Clients, Suppliers and Partners to be restricted from entering into any kind of business relation with any consultant of Rossen & Company ApS.
  2. Further, it is accepted by Clients, Suppliers and Partners to be restricted from poaching any consultant of Rossen & Company ApS. The afore-mentioned agree to not directly or indirectly solicit any consultant of Rossen & Company ApS to (i) terminate its relationship with Rossen & Company ApS or (ii) become employee/consultant of any other person or entity related to the Client, Supplier or Partner.

8. Newsletters

  1. By accepting these Standard Terms of Services, explicit consent is given by Clients, Suppliers and Partners to Rossen & Company ApS to send newsletters, information, offers, services and other marketing material relating to any business Rossen & Company ApS may be or become part of, as well as Rossen & Company ApS may send invitations to events etc. Clients, Suppliers and Partners can recall their consent at any given time and free of charge, by written notice to

9. Liability & insurance

  1. Rossen & Company ApS’ liability only covers losses which the Client may suffer as a direct consequence of an actually documented failure by Rossen & Company ApS to comply with Rossen & Company ApS’ Standard Terms of Services or any willfull misconduct and/or negligence. The total liability claim for a loss endured by the Client can never exceed the invoiced and actually paid fees of the engagement in question.
  2. Rossen & Company ApS will under no circumstances whatsoever be liable for indirect losses or consequential losses including loss of products, data, goodwill etc.
  3. Rossen & Company ApS are not liable for any loss whatsoever that any other third party may suffer as a consequence of Rossen & Company ApS’ services.
  4. Rossen & Company ApS limits its advice to Danish and European matters only. If counseling is needed beyond Rossen & Company ApS’ area of advice, Rossen & Company ApS recommends seeking appropriate local advice, which can also be obtained through referral by Rossen & Company ApS.
  5. Rossen & Company ApS is not liable for any damages caused in accordance with Danish or foreign law, Danish or foreign authority decisions, war, strike, blockage, boycott, lockout or other similar circumstance. The reservation relating to the issue of strike, blockage, boycott and lockout applies, even if Rossen & Company ApS itself participates in such conflict or commits a conflict action. 

10. Indemnification

  1. The Client must indemnify Rossen & Company ApS of any claims Rossen & Company ApS may incur as a result of the Client’s circumstances while Rossen & Company ApS carry or have carried out an engagement, including expenses for legal assistance which Rossen & Company ApS may have incurred or be required to pay. 

11. Termination

  1. Services performed by Rossen & Company ApS on either Ad hoc, Project, Retainer or Referral engagements are binding Client obligations.
  2. Should the Client wish to terminate an Ad hoc engagement, Rossen & Company ApS is entitled to compensation equivalent to the unaccounted services provided.
  3. Should the Client wish to terminate a Project engagement prematurely, Rossen & Company ApS is entitled to full compensation of the total Project value.
  4. Should the Client wish to terminate a Retainer engagement, a running month + three month’s written notice is required to Rossen & Company ApS.
  5. At the point of termination of any engagement, Rossen & Company ApS shall account for the services provided against the fees paid to ensure fair payment.
  6. Unless mutually disputed by the Client and Rossen & Company ApS, all unaccounted services performed by Rossen & Company ApS up until and including the date of termination will be invoiced at the date of termination and will be subject to a standard 8-day credit term.

12. Travel

  1. Reasonable travel expenditures and out-of-pockets expenditures incurred as a result of Rossen & Company ApS’ engagement with the Client are to be reimbursed to Rossen & Company ApS on demand.
  2. If intercontinental airline travel is required, consultants of Rossen & Company ApS require business class
  3. Where Rossen & Company ApS is required to travel for work, the travel time will be recorded against the project unless the consultant is undertaking other work enroute.
  4. Where Rossen & Company ApS is traveling to the same place for multiple clients, the time and expenses will be divided amongst the clients in a manner reflecting the emphasis of the trip.

13. Changes

  1. These Standard Terms of Services are subject to change at Rossen & Company ApS sole discretion, and new Clients and existing Clients are automatically bound by the updated versions.
  2. Unless in any other way regulated by a custom Services Contract, all Client engagements with Rossen & Company ApS are subject to the terms and conditions of these Standard Terms of Services.

14. Disputes & resolutions

  1. All corporate entities mentioned in this page are registered in Denmark and governed under Danish corporate law.
  2. All disputes with the mentioned entities which cannot be resolved without legal mediation will be subject to litigation under the jurisdiction of the Maritime and Commercial Court of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  3. As a member of The Danish Union of Journalists, Nic. Rossen is represented by these in matters of debt collection.

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Rossen & Company ApS (agency)

Nic. Rossen Holdings ApS (accelerator)

Skindergade 7
1159 Copenhagen
+45 4630 0000 

©2015- Rossen & Company ApS CVR36501944. All rights reserved.